How to Survive Your First Year on the Job How to Survive Your First Year on the Job

How to Survive Your First Year on the Job

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    • $9.99

Publisher Description

You just landed your first professional job. You are in a new environment, one in which you have had little experience. Your experience working at McDonalds will not help you much. Unfortunately, you have been consistently exposed to models of behavior in movies and on television that are dangerously inappropriate, wrong, and don’t work. It’s obvious the writers and directors have never been in a professional office, or if they have, they learned nothing even as they were fired. The MBA courses and the Liberal Arts Program at your college or university never taught you what you really need to know.

As you enter the professional world you are, no doubt, eager to start, to show them what you can do but you may also have trepidation that you will say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing, dress inappropriately, and insult your boss or your coworkers. You are concerned about how you will come across and how you will be judged.
The book will answer such questions as:
* How do I establish a good working relationship with my boss without appearing to suck up?
* How do I find and effectively use a mentor?
* What kinds of problems should I bring to my manager?
* When is the right time to ask for a raise?
* How do I prepare for a performance review?
* What do I do when my boss is an idiot?
* How do I represent my accomplishments?
* How much information should I share with my coworkers?
* How do I avoid dead-end assignments?
* How good does my work product need to be?

Business & Personal Finance
May 17
Sid Adelman
Draft2Digital, LLC