Rolling Thunder
3.8 • 36 Ratings
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Publisher Description
The third book in the Thunder and Lightning Series is “a smashing success . . . [with] action-packed, science-packed homages to Heinlein’s best work” (Cory Doctorow, Boing Boing).
Navy lieutenant Podkayne, daughter of Ray Garcia-Strickland, is tired of her job as Martian consul in California—and Earth’s oppressive gravity. So she’s OK with getting called back to Mars even if it’s because her great-grandmother is sick and being put into suspended animation.
After a family reunion, Podkayne’s next port of call is Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons, where she can finally realize her dream of being a singer. But just when her life seems to be improving for the better, disaster strikes and Podkayne is put into her own state of suspension. Awakened ten years later, she will discover a solar system in turmoil—where the very survival of humanity is at risk . . .
“This is well-crafted science fiction written by a master.” —SFRevu
“These books are fond without being nostalgic, reverent without being old-fashioned. Everything about them is utterly contemporary, but it’s easy to believe that Heinlein would have written them (more or less!) today.” —Cory Doctorow, Boing Boing
“Loaded with references, some subtle and others blatant, to Heinlein’s many books. Heinlein fans will get a chuckle, or maybe even a guffaw, when encountering one of these. Readers with no Heinlein background will enjoy the story too, but on a different level.” —National Space Society
Nebula and Hugo "winner Varley continues the space opera saga of the Garcia-Strickland clan (last encountered in 2006's Red Lightning) in this enjoyable if simplistic tale. Patricia Kelly Elizabeth Podkayne Strickland-Garcia-Redmond, daughter of an earlier series hero, Ray Garcia-Strickland, is glad for any excuse to escape her job as the Martian consul in California, but the news calling her home is dire: her great grandmother is ill and about to go into suspended animation. After a family reunion, Podkayne heads to Europa, where a disaster forces her own suspension. The solar system she awakens to 10 years later is radically different. Podkayne learns of looming trials threatening the survival of mankind and tackles them with undiminished determination. Varley has deliberately made Podkayne an uncomplicated figure who lets major events and traumas roll right off her, rendering her a less than satisfying protagonist despite her heroics.
Customer Reviews
Rolling thunder review
It was an OK read. There was a paucity Of intense surprises in the narrative, but not much to blow my mind like the books, Titan, demon, and wizard.
Woke garbage
Couldn’t get past Chapter 3. Author has hate oozing out of his pores. I’m not Christian but I found the anti-religious diatribe tedious, unoriginal and predictable. The Cult of Green is strong in this one, but I don’t think he gets the irony when coupled with the sneering condescension for traditional religious belief.
Rolling Thunder
A very good read, absorbing and entertaining. I grew up with Heinlein, Asimov McCaffrey and Norton, this in the same genre. It as a lot of Heinlein in it including some very direct connections “tunnel in the sky” and of course “Podkayne Of Mars.”