The Makeover Myth
The Real Story Behind Cosmetic Surgery, Injectables, Lasers, Gimmicks, and Hype, and What You Need to Know to Stay Safe
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- $12.99
Publisher Description
The Makeover Myth provides you with information and tools to help you get past the glitz, learn about cosmetic medical care realities, and find a capable physician who has your best interests at heart. Dr. Snodgrass draws on her years of clinical experience to address issues such as: the misinformation portrayed in reality shows like Extreme Makeover and The Swan; the risks and complications that your doctor may not tell you and that you certainly won't hear about on the reality shows; the truth about the proliferation of physicians performing cosmetic surgery and related procedures who were not trained in plastic surgery residencies; the most common procedures, medical and non–prescription products and other hot topics in cosmetic medicine; and what really matters when you choose your provider and place of service.