iDrawlix Small - User Manual
Publisher Description
ENVISYS, the brand owner of iDrawlix APPs was born in 2006, as Environmental Engineering Associated Studio, collecting the professional experience of its cofounders, which were working as individual professionals already for fifteen years.
After about twenty-seven years experience, ENVISYS decided to publish his APPs, at first written in order to speed up its job, in many fields of environmental engineering.
The first branch chosen in order to share our knowledge with the market is quite obliged: the design of urban networks of stormwater and sanitary sewers. Some groups of friend became famous all over the world because more than thirty-five years ago imagined the future we are now living, in somewhere garage, designing and assembling new computers, new operating systems and new software.
Maybe our competitors could say that many kilometres of sewers have been designed thanks their software. Contrary, we are ones which can say that our APPs have been developed thanks to many sewer kilometres we have designed, directed and commissioned.
Exclusively developed for Mac OS X, sold uniquely throughout the Mac App Store all over the world, iDrawlix APPs are dedicated to the design and verification of the most common Civil Hydraulics Engineering infrastructures such as channels, sewers and culverts.
iDrawlix comes in three different sizes (just like a good ice cream): SMALL, MEDIUM and LARGE. The full line of iDrawlix APPs is scheduled to release in 2017.