It's Your Business
183 Essential Tips that Will Transform Your Small Business
4.2 • 20 Ratings
- $11.99
Publisher Description
It's Your Business was an immediate Wall Street Journal bestseller and garnered tremendous media attention from entrepreneurs and small business owners.
With advice from Ramberg and such notable entrepreneurs as Blake Mycoskie and Guy Kawasaki, this right-to-the-point book covers topics from human resources to finance, public relations to sales, and much, much more -- all geared towards the small business owner.
Knowing that entrepreneurs have no time to waste, Ramberg presents simple and effective guidance that can be put to use right away. This book will be indispensable for every small business owner, from a family-owned store to a venture capitalist-backed start up.
With a collection of 183 ideas, tips, and hard-earned insights, MSNBC host Ramberg offers a helpful book for small business owners culled from years of interviews and research. The tips are loosely arranged into chapters focusing around themes such as "Being the Leader," "Cultivating Customers," and "Building Relationships." Bite-size nuggets of insight are suitable for readers looking up a specific idea or simply leafing through the book for some inspiration. Neither difficult nor obfuscated, the advice is often simple yet powerful. For example, job hunters will welcome Tip #147 ("Be the first one at every event"). Much of Ramberg's advice goes beyond the purview of small businesses, such as advice on backing up data, managing your time, and prioritizing your energy. Bar codes are included for many of the tips, and these will take the reader directly to a Web page that includes videos from the show Your Business with JJ Ramberg, as well as tips and advice from people out there producing and achieving.