Jazz Chord Symbols vol 1 (Bb Pitch)
for Trumpet, Tenor Saxophone, Clarinet, Flugelhorn, Soprano Saxophone and any other Bb pitch instrument
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Publisher Description
Savvy Interactive Music Publishing are pleased to present the “How To Learn To Improvise” series of music tuition books by award winning jazz educator Buster Birch. These interactive digital books are each dedicated to different concepts and techniques used for improvising and include Concert Pitch, Bb Pitch, Eb Pitch and Bass Clef versions of each book, making them useful for virtually all instruments.
Drawing on his years of experience teaching improvisation to adult learners, school children and music conservatoire students he presents a simple a step by step guide to developing the skills required for improvising. As well as clear instruction and a logical pathway these books include many practical exercises, which are tried and tested methods, in all 12 keys with notation and audio play-along files at different tempos embedded directly into the book.
The “How To Learn To Improvise” series of music tuition books are meant for…
• Musicians who have little or no experience with improvising and do not know where to start.
• Musicians who have some experience of improvising but want a less “hit and miss” approach.
• More experienced improvisers who want a thorough and rigorous practice method to improve their improvising skills in all 12 keys
• Music teachers who want to include improvisation in their lessons, but have little experience in how to teach it and need some resources and proven techniques to use.
The third book in the series "How To Learn To Improvise with Jazz Chord Symbols vol 1“ looks at the three most common types of jazz chord symbols (the ii-V-I) and how they function in all 12 keys. It includes…
• A clear and easy to understand explanation of jazz chord symbols in general, different chord types, diatonic harmony, the ii-V-I chord sequence, voicings and orchestration, all with notated examples and embedded audio files to demonstrate and help recognise the different sounds (in all 12 keys)…
• A series of unique interactive flash card chord symbol tests to be played on your instrument (from slow to fast) to improve “speed of recognition” when seeing chord symbols and giving you a “real time” experience to challenge how well you know your chord symbols…
• Exercises and routines for learning ii-V-I chord sequences and backing tracks to practice within all 12 keys at various tempos.
For Bb Pitch
Suitable for all Bb Pitch instruments including:
Trumpet, Cornet, Flugelhorn, Tenor Sax, Soprano Sax, Clarinet.