Jesus Christ: His Mission and Ministry [Second Edition 2017] Jesus Christ: His Mission and Ministry [Second Edition 2017]

Jesus Christ: His Mission and Ministry [Second Edition 2017]

    • 3.3 • 42 Ratings
    • $22.99
    • $22.99

Publisher Description

Who is Jesus Christ?

Deeply considering that question and its answer are at the core of Jesus Christ: His Mission and Ministry, now in its second edition and part of the Encountering Jesus textbook series. This textbook supports Course II of the USCCB Curriculum Framework.

The textbook’s objectives include sharing what Christ reveals about God, uncovering the mystery of the Incarnation, and exploring how growing in discipleship with Jesus helps students live a better life.

The second edition includes exciting new features to keep students engaged:

• contemporary news openers that connect with the chapter material;

• note-taking prompts that help students highlight, outline, and remember what they’ve read; and

• infographics and photo essays that incorporate key concepts and will resonate with today’s digitally connected teens.

Popular features found in the first edition remain: three chapter assignment options geared toward a specific learning style; focus questions and chapter summaries; vocabulary terms boldfaced and defined in the margins; profiles of saints; and prayer suggestions. In addition, the “Hands, Hearts, and Minds” feature in each chapter fosters service, prayer, and investigative learning.

This enhanced digital edition of Jesus Christ: His Mission and Ministry includes exclusive access to videos from the Apostleship of Prayer, Catholic Relief Services, Life Teen, and Word on Fire Catholic Ministries. These videos enrich the written text with expert explanations of key theological concepts, sacred people, and sacred places by Bishop Robert Barron, Rev. James Kubicki, S.J., and Matt Fradd.

Jesus Christ: His Mission and Ministry has one of the most extensive collections of online teacher and student resources available, including directed reading worksheets, crossword puzzles, PowerPoint slides, YouTube writing and discussion assignments, chapter texts, and handouts.

Jesus Christ: His Mission and Ministry supports Course II of the USCCB Curriculum Framework and is part of the Encountering Jesus series. While primarily intended for second semester freshman theology students, it is also suitable for a one-semester Scripture course on the New Testament or the Gospels.

(© 2017) The Subcommittee on the Catechism, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has found that this catechetical high school text is in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and fulfills the requirements of Course II of the Doctrinal Elements of a Curriculum Framework for the Development of Catechetical Materials for Young People of High School Age.

    April 13
    Ave Maria Press, Inc.
    Ave Maria Press, Inc.
    Grades 9-12

    Customer Reviews

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    Jon Madden22 ,


    Really love this book totally quality content

    stan brockhampton ,

    Absolutely revolting.

    This book is truly one of the most revolting pieces of literature I’ve ever read. I’d rather read a purple minion and gru fan fiction than this absolute atrocity.

    hotcheetogirl0001 ,

    Could be better

    Very much disturbing!

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