Land of the Losers
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Publisher Description
This book is a collection of short stories tracing the real international route of one man's attempt to find happiness and fulfilment amid outdated courtship rituals, gender politics gone askew, and the dating circus. Originally written between 2001 and 2006 and polished to a bright shine by a small team of dedicated fanatics collaborating across three continents, it presents an unfiltered view of a man's true experiences in the dating market as it exists today.
Niceguy, the lead author, is a U.S. expatriate living in Japan with his family. He travels the world and enjoys life in his spare time. Beginning life as a small blog on the World Wide Web, Niceguy's writings about his experiences struck a chord with men across the globe, garnering a dedicated readership, and the idea of producing a book was born. As such, Land of the Losers' contributing editors and proofreaders are fans of Niceguy's original writings who wished to see his stories committed to print. They are spread across Australia, Canada and the United States. Illustrations were provided by Bobby.N, who resides in Australia.