Legal Issues on the Asset Restructuring of Listed Companies/ Questions Juridiques Sur la Restructuration des Actifs des Socitetes Cotees en Bourse (Report) Legal Issues on the Asset Restructuring of Listed Companies/ Questions Juridiques Sur la Restructuration des Actifs des Socitetes Cotees en Bourse (Report)

Legal Issues on the Asset Restructuring of Listed Companies/ Questions Juridiques Sur la Restructuration des Actifs des Socitetes Cotees en Bourse (Report‪)‬

Canadian Social Science 2009, April, 5, 2

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Publisher Description

Listed companies play a critical role in the whole financial market, with the fifth wave of corporate mergers in the world, asset restructuring of listed companies also set off a new round storm in China, but without systematic legislation on asset restructuring, there are a lot of problems in the process of restructuring asset, such as asset replacement, transferring debt to shares, staff participation, the protection of creditors, internal control and so on. We will discuss the asset restructuring of listed companies on several aspects, though which we try to found out an ideal way to improve the current legal system in China. 1. THEORIES ON ASSET RESTRUCTURING OF LISTED COMPANIES

April 1
Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture
The Gale Group, Inc., a Delaware corporation and an affiliate of Cengage Learning, Inc.

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