Light & Communication
Nature as a reference in lighting design
Publisher Description
Good lighting design must satisfy several parties. The architect, the owner, the designer and most of all, the user, must all be happy with the final result. Poor lighting design may cause poor environment, economical losses and maybe even sickness.
Often the involved parties in lighting design projects find it difficult to communicate their needs and desires. They, so to speak, ”talk different languages” when it comes to light. While the owner talks about costs, the architect talks about feelings and the user maybe about working environment.
That is the problem ”Light & Communication – Nature as a reference in lighting design” is solving. After reading it, you are able to communicate about lighting design in a way everybody understands, using nature as a common frame of reference.
At the same time the book is a great inspiration to everyone working with lighting design.
The book is written in a way that anybody can easily understand and it is illustrated with a lot of pictures. It can serve as a tool for communication between the different parties in a lighting design project, in order to reach the best results for all and as an inspiration to all involved parties.
Henrik Clausen is Director of Fagerhult Lighting Academy and he has worked in lighting design for 20 years.