Little Angel Street
Die Isaac-Sidel-Romane, 8/12
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Publisher Description
Mit einem Erdrutschsieg ist Isaac Sidel zum Bürgermeister von New York City gewählt worden. Bevor er endgültig sein Amt antritt, heißt es, eine mysteriöse White-Power-Bande dingfest zu machen, die Obdachlose tötet. Dazu wirft Sidel sich wieder einmal in Lumpen und verschwindet unter dem Decknamen Geronimo Jones in den Untergrund von Manhattan North. Bald kommt er einer mordenden Gang auf die Spur, die in die unappetitlichsten New Yorker Polittricksereien verstrickt ist und deren Macht vom Ali-Baba-Sexpalast am Times Square bis ins Alte Europa reicht: nach Paris, Rumänien und ins Odessa der vierziger Jahre. Dort warten nicht nur Erinnerungen an eine alte Liebschaft auf Isaac Sidel, sondern diese Liebschaft, Margaret Tolstoi, selbst, die ihren ganz eigenen, gefährlichen Plan verfolgt…
The joyous weirdness of Charyn's idiosyncratic New York City can't be described-it must be experienced. Nor can Isaac Sidel, Charyn's one-of-a-kind protagonist and former Commissioner of the NYPD, be understood on brief acquaintance. Here, in the fourth absorbing book of Charyn's Odessa quartet (following Montezuma's Man), it is the mid 1980s and Sidel has been elected mayor, with a month to go before taking office. Subject to his usual paranoia, the former Commish is hiding out in homeless shelters under an assumed name. Now bums are being killed, each one labeled with Sidel's fake name. The murders are claimed by a racist gang who call themselves the Knickerbocker Boys and use the names of Sidel's beloved 19th-century baseball stars. That a few of these white racists might be black is the sort of anomaly that Sidel takes in stride. Some trails lead to a Times Square porn palace where Romanian orphans are made available for pedophiles and where the sultry Rita works. Perhaps she can cure Isaac of his bitter love for Margaret Tolstoy, who has a bad habit of sleeping with Isaac's enemies. Other trails lead to the racists, who may have infiltrated an organization dedicated to historic-building preservation. Table tennis and baseball are near religions, and as always there are too many characters to track (someone should write a Sidel glossary). Puzzle-loving readers should take careful note of Charyn's use of perhaps and may, practicing Sidelian vigilance-the road to Gracie Mansion is loaded with potholes.