March: Book Two
4.6 • 59 Ratings
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Publisher Description
After the success of the Nashville sit-in movement, John Lewis’ commitment to change through nonviolence is stronger than ever — but as he and his fellow Freedom Riders board a bus into the vicious heart of the deep south, they will be tested like never before. Faced with beatings, police brutality, imprisonment, arson, and even murder, the movement’s young activists place their lives on the line while internal conflicts threaten to tear them apart.
But their courage will attract the notice of powerful allies, from Martin Luther King, Jr. to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy... and once Lewis is elected chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, this 23-year-old will be thrust into the national spotlight, becoming one of the “Big Six” leaders of the civil rights movement and a central figure in the landmark 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

In the second installment of his graphic memoir, Congressman Lewis continues to lay his soul bare about his time as an activist in the Civil Rights Movement. Chronicling the triumphs and hardships of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), this book paints a devastating picture of America in the 1960s, taking to task those who attacked peaceful protestors, and politicians who were desperate to maintain segregation. Lewis, Aydin, and Powell's combined experiences combine to recreate scenes of incredible feeling, from Rev. Martin Luther King's legendary "I Have a Dream" speech (and Lewis's own, oft-overlooked speech on the same day), to a single, terrifying night spent surrounded by the Ku Klux Klan. Even passages that are less emotionally fraught still carry historical import, including Lewis's recollections of private conversations with King. Throughout, however, it is Powell's art that truly steals the show, as the veteran graphic novelist experiments with monochrome watercolors, powerful lettering techniques, and inspired page layouts to create a gripping visual experience that enhances the power of Lewis's unforgettable tale.