Military Bibliographies: History, Terrorism, Military Classics, Ethics, Cyberspace, Conflict Termination, Women in the Military, China Relations, Officership, Civil-Military, All-Volunteer Force Military Bibliographies: History, Terrorism, Military Classics, Ethics, Cyberspace, Conflict Termination, Women in the Military, China Relations, Officership, Civil-Military, All-Volunteer Force

Military Bibliographies: History, Terrorism, Military Classics, Ethics, Cyberspace, Conflict Termination, Women in the Military, China Relations, Officership, Civil-Military, All-Volunteer Force

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Publisher Description

Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this massive collection of thirteen selected military bibliographies covers a wide range of vital topics:

Military Classics * U.S. - lndia Relations: Partners in Democracy * Conflict Termination * Human Dimensions of Strategic Leadership * Women in the Military * Officership and the Profession * Landpower * Civil-Military Relations * The All-Volunteer Force * U.S. - China Relations: Cooperation or Conflict in the 21st Century * Cyberspace * Ethics * Terrorism

Military Classics: Many of the books listed in this work are military classics, that is, books of recognized value that set a standard of historical or literary excellence. Others evaluate or expand on the military classics. Focused mainly on the history of land warfare, this bibliography begins with a general section. The books listed cover more than one chronological period or topical area, or are broad surveys of military history, or concentrate on a unique subject. The next sections are arranged chronologically beginning with Ancient History and concluding with The Nuclear Age. Covered here are significant historical eras, military writers, and conflicts. The Modern Warfare section encompasses low-intensity conflict. The remaining sections in the bibliography are topical and include The Moral Effect of Combat (men in battle), Russian and Soviet Military History, East Asian Military History, Sea Power, Air Power, and The Press. The novels cited in this work provide an approach to the human elements of war, are often enjoyable to read, and are thought provoking. Though this bibliography is extensive, some notable books have been excluded because I favor others covering the same topics. Also I have tried to limit the number of entries under topics such as the Civil War and World War II where hundreds of books are available.

Terrorism: A Selected Bibliography provides citations for information about various types of terrorism, related strategies, and other issues. It was compiled for students and researchers to expand their knowledge of this extremely important topic.

Studies of national security and strategy have extended to the fifth domain—cyberspace. This selected bibliography contains resources discussing cyber acts of war, the battlespace of the fifth domain, governance, jurisdiction, policy, security, strategy, and finally, the technology that is currently being employed.

Ethics: A Selected Bibliography, now in its seventh revised edition, was compiled to support the study of ethics, one of the U.S. Army War College's enduring themes. This list, like our earlier ethics bibliographies, focuses on military ethics, as well as some other selected contemporary ethical issues. It contains some citations from the sixth edition in addition to notable materials that were added to the collection since it was last published in 2003.

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