Mind Nuggets
3.9 • 28 Ratings
Publisher Description
A collection of letters, short stories, and thought provoking articles designed to enlighten and entertain.
Written by electronic book bestseller, Brian Montgomery, "Mind Nuggets" runs the gamut of entertainment. Humor, horror, love, and direct interaction pepper this collection of "thoughts" from the author. You will be appalled, uplifted, amused, enlightened, and soothed by the end of this book of letters.
Customer Reviews
Upcoming Humorous Writer
Brian has good insight into the human psyche, a kind disposition towards living things, the daring to write about icky subjects, and above all a good sense of timing for humor.
I downloaded one of his books as a test, and will download more.
Introduced his work to some family members also, and they liked it too.
Shoba Sriaiyer
Mind Nuggets
A true mind twister, however, after the first few pages the print fades. VERY difficult to read at that point. When that is repaired, better be at the top of your game.
My title says it all, I think? This is a very well written, hilarious romp through the randomness of the authors mind. Mind Nuggets indeed.