Ministry Digest, Vol. 03, No. 06 Ministry Digest, Vol. 03, No. 06
Ministry Digest

Ministry Digest, Vol. 03, No. 06

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Publisher Description

In this issue we will continue four lines of ministry. The first line—The History of the Lord's Recovery—contains chapters 22 through 25 of Fellowship concerning the Urgent Need of the Vital Groups, which are in volume 3 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1991-1992. These chapters cover becoming vital through prayer, preparing our gospel candidates, and redeeming our time to learn the truth, fruit-bearing and the desperate prayer life, becoming vital and going to vitalize others, and overcoming three layers of obstacles by the vital groups. The second line—Words for New Believers—contains chapters 17 through 20 of Crucial Truths in the Holy Scriptures, Volume 2, which are in volume 3 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1932-1949. These chapters cover topics related to baptism, the laying on of hands, head covering, and the breaking of bread. The third line—Maturing in Life—continues with chapters 3 through 6 of The Future of the Church, which are in volume 2 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1955. These chapters cover the appearance of the kingdom of the heavens, the manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens, and Revelation 14. The fourth line—The High Peak of the Divine Revelation—continues with chapters 10 through 13 of God's New Testament Economy, which are in volume 3 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1984. These chapters cover the Son's ascension and the baptism in the Spirit, the Spirit of life, the life-giving Spirit, and the transforming Spirit.

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