Modernizing Your Business Applications with IBM CICS and Liberty
Publisher Description
This IBM® Redbooks® Solution Guide provides the information necessary for you to understand IBM WebSphere® Application Server V8.5.5 Liberty (Liberty) within IBM CICS® Transaction Server (CICS TS) V5.3. With this understanding, you can take advantage of the Java EE 6 Web Profile capabilities for running new types of applications in the CICS runtime.
Liberty is an asset to your organization, whether you intend to extend existing enterprise services hosted in CICS, or develop new web-based applications supporting new lines of business. Fundamentally, Liberty is a highly composable, dynamic profile of IBM WebSphere Application Server that enables you to provision Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) technology on a feature-by-feature basis. Liberty can be provisioned with as little as the HTTP transport and a servlet web container, or with the entire Java EE 6 Web Profile feature set depending on your application requirements.