No-minute Noodler
Dag's Dictionary for Kids
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Publisher Description
No-minute noodler: a kid who eats the two-minute noodles straight from the packet without even cooking them! Dinobore: a kid who can t talk about anything other than dinosaurs.Bumboozle: to confuse the issue of who it was that farted by blaming it all on the dog!A very funny book of words that should exist but don't!Includes a great do-it-yourself section for kids at the back.
Medea. A tragedy
Leonidas: a poem.
The life of Dr. Oliver Goldsmith: written from personal knowledge, authentic papers, and other indubitable authorities. To which are added, such select observations, from various parts of this writer's works, as may tend to recreate the fancy, improve th
The Land Before Avocado
The substance of the evidence on the petition presented by the West-India planters and merchants, to the Hon. House of Commons: as it was introduced at the bar, and summ'd up by Mr. Glover, on Thursday the 16th of March, 1775.
London: or, the progress of commerce. A poem. By Mr. Glover.