Obama Says No 'Short Cut' to Middle East Peace--Palestinians Stay the Course, Determined to Push for Vote Despite Obama--Sarkozy Proposes Observer, Non-Member State (Palestinians-un) Obama Says No 'Short Cut' to Middle East Peace--Palestinians Stay the Course, Determined to Push for Vote Despite Obama--Sarkozy Proposes Observer, Non-Member State (Palestinians-un)

Obama Says No 'Short Cut' to Middle East Peace--Palestinians Stay the Course, Determined to Push for Vote Despite Obama--Sarkozy Proposes Observer, Non-Member State (Palestinians-un‪)‬

The Daily Middle East Reporter (Beirut, Lebanon) 2011, Sept 22, 199, 5179

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--Obama Says No 'Short Cut' to Middle East Peace --Palestinians Stay the Course, Determined to Push for Vote Despite Obama

September 22
The Middle East Reporter
The Gale Group, Inc., a Delaware corporation and an affiliate of Cengage Learning, Inc.

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