Oh, Monkey
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Publisher Description
Oh, Monkey is an introduction to the concept of our inner critic.
Written for young adults, this story follows the journey of young girl who grows tired of hearing her monkey chatter in her ear every day, telling her what to do.
She sits down and has a chat with her Monkey and explains that this really isn’t working for her. She lays down some ground rules and explains to her Monkey that if she wants to hang around with her, she will need to abide. They create a new way of working together and a new story that helps the girl overcome her fears and try new things in life, with her Monkey at her side.
Oh Monkey’ is the ideal self empowerment tool for young adults, offering insight and ideas on how to train your monkey with love and understanding.
We all have a ‘Monkey’. He is the protective voice inside of us that tells us that we aren’t good enough, smart enough, fast enough etc. In an effort to protect us from getting hurt, he will often say anything to keep us from trying new things.
If we listen to him or her, our Monkey can also affect our behavior and self- confidence and causes us to over-think things and head down the rabbit hole. At times, he sure can get the best of us and keep us from doing the things in life that our heart and soul desire.
Recommended for ages 10-14 and beyond , self-talk, self-esteem, self-image, stress and anxiety, stress management, affirmations.