On the Edge On the Edge

On the Edge

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Publisher Description

On The Edge

by Angie Skelhorn (Mainstream)

When Carm, marries Jordan MacKay, she says goodbye to her friends, family and the she knew at the farm, against the will of those close to her.

After only six weeks of marriage, at the young age of twenty-two, she's a widow, when a horrible storm kills her young husband, leaving her alone in a city unknown to her.

Carm, finds a friend in a complete stranger named Paige.  The environment the young widow enters is so different than the one she had, she loses her identity as she conforms to it.

Totally lost to her present drama an introduction to Gretchen, the neighbourhood witch, and unexpectedly haunted by the spirit of her dead husband, she learns to evolve and overcome her sorrow.

In today's society permeated with illicit and ready available drugs, "ON THE EDGE," tells the amazing story of despair and near death.  My manuscript, "ON THE EDGE," is a story of redemption in which today's reader will find hope.

About The Author :-

I am the fifth child born into a farming family located south of Peterborough, ON. Canada.

The domestic animals as well as the wildlife found at the farm held much amusement for me during my childhood. Living in the country performing seasonal tasks added much to my appreciation of nature.

I ventured forth to discover myself at the tender age of fourteen. My journey took me to the Ottawa area. Initially I found employment as a horse groomer, followed by twenty-plus years as a waitress. After sampling many of life's pleasures and pitfalls witchcraft captured my interest.  I returned to the family farm where I became fascinated with witchcraft; the lifestyle, beliefs customs and traditions.

I found the teaching of the craft offered a positive blueprint for living. 

My stories are moulded somewhat after my life, but are not a true to any type of memoir.

April 1
Club Lighthouse Publishing