OPCs, Dr. Jack Masquelier's Mark On Health - Revised Edition OPCs, Dr. Jack Masquelier's Mark On Health - Revised Edition

OPCs, Dr. Jack Masquelier's Mark On Health - Revised Edition

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Publisher Description

Millions of people are taking “OPC” or “grape seed extract” supplements without knowing precisely what they are taking and without knowing for sure whether the “OPC” they purchase will indeed provide the health benefits produced by the authentic OPCs developed by the French scientist Jack Masquelier. Indeed, Masquelier’s OPCs are renowned for their product-specific beneficial effects on circulatory health, immunity, general well-being, varicose veins, skin care, sports injuries, scavenging of free radicals and numerous other bodily functions. And, it is a fact that Masquelier’s OPCs and consumer satisfaction go hand in hand. But, this doesn’t mean that all the products sold as “OPC” do what Masquelier’s OPCs do.

OPCs, Dr. Jack Masquelier’s Mark on Health is the only book in the world that documents, first hand, the true story of the discovery and scientific development of OPCs and their numerous beneficial effects. The book is the unique result of 20 years of friendship and close cooperation between the French scientist and Dutch author Bert Schwitters. Over the course of many long conversations and numerous meetings, the two worked on several books. Together, they also made a documentary featuring the only filmed interview with Masquelier. They fought hard and long battles to protect and safeguard the integrity of Masquelier’s work and his OPCs, so that people in search of the multiple benefits of OPCs would not be led astray by adulterated and imitation products, providing all sorts of unidentified and untraceable “grape seed extracts,” misleadingly sold as “OPC.”

When you really care about your health, read OPCs, Dr. Jack Masquelier’s Mark on Health, because it will give you Masquelier-based guidance regarding their recommended intake, effects and efficacy. Schwitters presents the impressive original research that took place in France in the perspective of the continued scientific exploration of the beneficial effects of Masquelier’s OPCs. As such, this is a uniquely reliable resource for information concerning all aspects of OPCs: how they were discovered and researched over many decades, and how Masquelier’s OPCs became the active principles in herbal medicines, food supplements and body care products.

Jack Masquelier was the nutritional pioneer who first identified OPCs, then devised a technique for extracting them, and then began applying them right away in the field of vascular health. His voice and his advice resound in OPCs, Dr. Jack Masquelier’s Mark on Health. If you’re looking for the original story about Masquelier’s authentic OPCs, read this book. If you want to make informed decisions about your health, let this book be your guide. Live well!

Health, Mind & Body
July 28
De Facto Publications B.V.
Bert Schwitters