Prehistory and Atlantis Prehistory and Atlantis

Prehistory and Atlantis

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Since Plato, no one had put our ancestor in such a situation. Our researchers have already had a hard time figuring it out in the face of competition from Neanderthals and other hominids. This is understandable in a prehistoric manhandled with a multitude of proposals. This work is placed in a strategic place which condenses many missing links in the established chronology. It lacks this face to face: Plato did not know Cro-Magnon and all researchers (or almost) rejected the second. This work proposes to remedy it in a striking shortcut: you believe, you imagine a Cro-Magnon ancestor descending from the monkey, it is not!

Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009) brilliantly demonstrated in his Mythologiques the fundamental uniqueness of all North and South American mythologies, thereby indicating a common origin. The proofs of a very ancient civilization are there, before our eyes; we know its future since our ancestors lived it. It is up to us to know how to take advantage of it, to know whether we want our future bright or identical to what it has endured for tens of millennia.

Jean Piveteau (1899-1991) in Paris The writings of Glozel, like those of Mas d’Azil and Portugal descend, by way of development, from the rudiments of the art of writing to the age of the reindeer. This magnificent civilization of the Périgord and the Pyrénées, may have been suffocated, in Gaul and Spain, by invasions from the North, but its essential conquests have been preserved near the great inland sea, have traveled east and have been made much more late to our shores by Phoenician and Greek sailors. … Glozel would in turn destroy the Eastern mirage. … Thus the first true linear writing would have appeared in the West, its center of dispersion would have been in our countries and from there, it would have gradually spread to the Mediterranean regions , then in the East, and this one would have returned to us recently, what we had given him a long time ago.

This is what two eminent personalities in the scientific world affirmed in their time that we can hardly criticize and question their word: are they telling the truth? This work is the continuation of it, and thanks to the Internet, allows access to multiple sources in all fields.

The same observation is established for the whole planet, in several ways, either by noting similarities in countries very far from each other, or by noting anomalies such as the great pyramid of Cheops attributed to this pharaoh who should not have had the genius essential to the constructor since today we are not able to reproduce it with our advanced technologies. Finally, some legends describe realities that are taken for perfectly ridiculous comics, which are in fact the first newspapers reporting on the disasters that have occurred and what is happening to the populations. Thus the Aztec Boturini codices… or Mayan drawings.

The author relied on them to spread what happened to the whole earth. He was able to link all prehistoric cultures to these events, to the melting of the Würmien ice, to the rise of the waters of more than 120 meters, etc. Whether it is the great human adventure or an odyssey of more than 50,000 years, it is the uniqueness of prehistory that takes shape and genetics undoubtedly confirms the importance of migrations in the formation of peoples like a few forgotten in the shipwrecks who could not follow their people and find themselves the first inhabitants of another country. Finally the importance of this very old civilization was such that it arrived at the stage where we are, and that it was scuttled, as Claude Levi-Strauss discreetly writes. It is a lesson in life that has cost humanity dearly, we owe it to ourselves to review it, because if we take the pre-Columbian civilizations seriously, which reveal the complexity and the knowledge necessary for their construction, the West European too imbued with his technical and scientific superiority refuses to admit what has happened to him, the downfall.

10 декабря

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