Quantum Self-Talk Black Book Quantum Self-Talk Black Book

Quantum Self-Talk Black Book

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Publisher Description

Too many people have a false model for change.

They try to change their life by trying to change their life, and that is the recipe for failure.  They are skipping all the steps that make change possible.

You can’t reverse engineer change.  You can’t start at the end and work your way back to the beginning.

The cascade of change has a beginning, an ending, and many steps in between.

In the world of quantum change you have to start at the beginning and go through all the steps in order to arrive at a place where you make a quantum leap to a new life.

Once you understand the quantum cascade, living the quantum life becomes as natural as taking your next breath.

The quantum cascade begins with quantum self-talk and finishes with a quantum leap.

The quantum cascade has ruled the world since the beginning of time.  Those who understand and use it are the movers and shakers who control what happens on planet earth.  They have a quantum existence that goes from one quantum leap to the next.

What exactly is the quantum life?

Most people don’t know about quantum life.  They look at life as a smooth timeline stretching from birth to death.  It has its ups and downs, but for them it’s a smooth curve that moves relentlessly forward and gradually gets better or worse.

The quantum life is much different.

People who live the quantum life don’t have a smooth timeline.  For them life is a series of quantum leaps that happen each time they adopt a new quantum belief.  Their timeline is like a set of stairs in which they jump from level to level.

Does it really matter how you view your own timeline?

It matters a great deal because a linear existence provides a false and impotent model for human change.  Trying to live the linear life is more than doing things the hard way, it’s doing things the wrong way.  You can’t tweak your way to a positive future. Big changes don’t involve tweaks.  They involve jumps.

This book contains quantum self-talk that you need to have in your mind so that you can make a quantum leap to the next level.

One hundred Power Graphics make it easy to put positive self-talk into your mind.

The power of positive repetition is immense, and when your mind starts repeating quantum self-talk back to you, hang on tight, because you are ready to make a quantum leap to the next level.

You have thousands of quantum leaps to make in your life, and quantum self-talk is a great place to start.

Happy quantum leaping.

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