Reality of God's Existence Reality of God's Existence

Reality of God's Existence

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Publisher Description

… a synthesis or a complementary approach of science and spirituality will generate the necessary 'new science' which will be able to explain many fundamental truths of nature including the knowledge of God. … With this knowledge of synthesis of science and spirituality the role of God will be foundational and science will be theistic-based. The founding fathers of science started science in this way. Now we may have to come back again in this line of thinking.
- T. D. Singh
There is a higher power, not influenced by our wishes, which finally decides and judges.
- Werner Heisenberg
For religion, God is at the beginning; for science, God is at the end.
- Max Planck
The nature of the human soul is to explore the underlying secrets of the visible as well as the invisible worlds, to investigate the unknown and finally to inquire about the nature of the Ultimate Reality or God. Scientific knowledge is born out of such inquiry and religious knowledge or spiritual wisdom is also aimed at finding and realizing the same Ultimate Reality. Vedanta, the topmost scientific and philosophical treatise of the Indian spiritual and cultural heritage has a lot to contribute in this regard and could provide a vital leap in expanding our knowledge about the Ultimate Reality, God. In this unique volume, His Holiness Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami further explores the nature and existence of God and depicts the relevance of Vedantic wisdom in the context of modern scientific and technological developments. He presents the need for a synthesis of scientific knowledge and spiritual wisdom to gain complete knowledge of God. His Holiness, who is both a scientist with a Ph.D. in Physical Organic Chemistry from the University of California, Irvine, USA and a spiritualist in the Bhakti-Vedanta tradition of India, has been one of the pioneers in advancing the science and religion dialogue for over thirty years. His writings, investigating a profound relationship between science and spirituality will provide useful insights in the search for the Ultimate Reality, God.

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January 1
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