Reduce Risk and Improve Security on IBM Mainframes: Volume 3 Mainframe Subsystem and Application Security
Publisher Description
This IBM® Redbooks® publication documents the strength and value of the IBM security strategy with IBM z™ Systems hardware and software. In an age of increasing security consciousness and more and more dangerous advanced persistent threats, IBM z Systems™ provides the capabilities to address the needs of today's business security challenges. This publication explores how z Systems hardware is designed to provide integrity, process isolation, and cryptographic capability to help address security requirements. We highlight the features of IBM z/OS® and other operating systems, which offer a variety of customizable security elements. We discuss z/OS and other operating systems and additional software that use the building blocks of z Systems hardware to provide solutions to business security needs. We also explore the perspective from the view of an enterprise security architect and how a modern mainframe has to fit into an overarching enterprise security architecture.
This book is part of a three-volume series that focuses on guiding principles for optimized mainframe security configuration within a holistic enterprise security architecture. The series' intended audience includes enterprise security architects, planners, and managers who are interested in exploring how the security design and features of z Systems, the z/OS operating system, and associated software address current issues such as data encryption, authentication, authorization, network security, auditing, ease of security administration, and monitoring.