Reflections on the Loss of the Free-Born American Nation Reflections on the Loss of the Free-Born American Nation

Reflections on the Loss of the Free-Born American Nation

Banksters Against People

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Publisher Description

This book chronicles the rise of currency manipulation in the United States, the debate over whether to have a central bank, and sources of the US Civil War.

The author documents the rise of a corrupt collusion between a large corporate elite (the American aristocracy), the centralized bank, and their inside-government representative base. Those who opposed them by demanding checks on the issuance of currency, so that currency value could not be manipulated to favor the elitist few, were eliminated. Over 600,000 US citizens were killed and the cartel won out. 

While the original intent of this powerful elite -- to totally dominate the private resource base and enslave the plebeian American citizen -- has yet to be fulfilled, hints lie all around that the time for its fulfillment may actually be close at hand. 

The debate over centralization of federal power versus maintaining the independent powers of the states began before the signing of the Declaration of Independence, but remained a core issue on the eve of the Civil War. Mr. Dowless shows that a major reason why the North provoked this war was to knock out the economic base supporting the representative body calling for the checks on currency, which was mainly in the South. 

The urge to war was fueled first by making an appeal to emotion via incendiary literature against slavery, then the movement of demagogues who were sent throughout the land to give speeches to arouse the masses into taking sides based on emotional impulses. We know who won. The result was that the forces of the banks, and the large corporations, completely dominated the US government, and the average US citizen no longer had any entity within the US government that served his interests or cared for his concerns - up to this very day. 

Now, Mr. Dowless observes, we know why it seems that no president stands up for rights of the people. Furthermore, our right to bear arms is under threat. Should the second amendment be neutralized or eliminated, suspension of the Constitution will not be far behind.

This work also points out that the US Constitution itself has been corrupted. The thirteenth amendment did not outlaw slavery, to every reader's shock and surprise. It simply exchanged the legal right to own slaves from the individual over into the hands of corporations and the government. Further, the preamble of the Declaration of Independence gives states the right to choose secession, if the people in those states feel that the forces of government seek to impose itself upon them against their own interests and the word of the Constitution. The tenth amendment itself clarifies that, if we observe the pre-1860 wording. 

Doing away with our second amendment is part of a larger agenda, and it does not serve in the best interest of the rank and file American citizen; but it does make US citizens vulnerable to any ambition that the cartel powers running the US government desire. The signs indicate that a holocaust looms ahead. Americans say "never here"; but this work aims to show that to protect themselves and their rights, Americans must come to the realization that yes, indeed, a reign of terror is very possible, and men of vision going as far back as Jefferson were very concerned about that risk.

June 24
Algora Publishing
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