Renew Your Life the Natural Way: Balance Your Chakras with Crystals and Essences
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Publisher Description
"I spend most of my time worrying about survival."
"It's hard for me to say what I feel."
"I've tried many ways to improve my life, but none have worked."
"I worry a lot about the people I love."
"I don't know how to ask for what I need."
"I don't remember my dreams."
"I see no order in the chaotic lives we live."
Each of these statements relates to one of the seven chakras, When we understand what the chakras have to do with our emotions, health, and mental well-being, we have a new way to understand ourselves. When we learn how to rebalance the energy of the chakras, we can achieve a new level of empowerment.
The approach of this book doesn't rely on in-depth understanding of any religious philosophies. It is, instead, based on the realities of modern life.
This course will give you:
This course will give you:
A detailed description of each chakra
Descriptions of the crystals and essences associated with each
A meditation for each chakra
Assignments designed to deepen your understanding of yourself through the chakras
Meditations for overall chakra balancing
Most important, it gives a clear focus to the work of self help and personal growth, and helps to eliminate confusion and guilt. Instead of wondering, "What's wrong with me?" you can relate communication issues to fifth-chakra blockages or low self-esteem to the third chakra, consult the material on these chakras, and develop a plan of action.
(Names removed for students' privacy)
"The lessons are amazing, they have encouraged me to look at many issues that have been deeply buried for many years."
"I am getting so much out of this course. I have read several books on chakras but wasn't able to grasp the concepts. You have made it simple to understand. Thanks."
Through the chakra course you have given me a priceless for working with ever-present energies, to live life in the best possible way, as well as helpful and important feedback, that I know will aid in keeping me on my path. Though transformation is ongoing, having some structure to work with issues and energies of each of the chakras has been and is invaluable.
About the author: C. M. Barrett has been a crystals and flower essence counselor, teacher, and writer since 1987. Since 1996 she has been the owner of Beyond the Rainbow, a leading site for information about well-being, crystals, essences, and much more.
She says, "I wrote this book because when I first became interested in crystals, I knew that an understanding of the chakras could enhance my work with gemstones and minerals. My search, though, turned into an obstacle course. I couldn't find a book written for the ordinary person who wanted to clear out the psychic and emotional garbage in their systems.
"So I wrote one. It began life as a course. As publishing got easier, though, and people continued to write to me to say how much the information and exercises had helped them, I decided to make it available to a larger audience."