Revelation 9 The Fifth Trumpet Revelation 9 The Fifth Trumpet
Book 7 - The Revelation Revealed - In 3D

Revelation 9 The Fifth Trumpet

Locusts and Scorpions

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In book 7,

Have you ever wondered how Jesus and the disciples did all that work in the Middle East, but yet the Middle East is predominantly Muslim and, it is even now a crime to be a Christian in many areas in the Middle East? This is all explained with the Locusts and Scorpions of Revelation 8 – the fifth and sixth trumpets. 

Locust Commotion

The fifth angel blows his horn and a bottomless pit opens up in the Earth. Out of the pit comes a whole swarm of terrifying locusts. They have human faces and hair, but teeth like lions, iron scales, and huge, creepy wings. The freaky locusts are told to leave the Elect alone (those folks with God's mark on their forehead). But they get the green light to go on and torture everyone else for a few months. Must have been awkward for the Elect.

The next object in the vision is the locusts that came out of the smoke, to which was given power like scorpions, or, power to inflict a deadly sting like scorpions. To what living agents, then, did the delusion of Mohammedanism give birth—agents of a destructive nature like scorpion locust? Evidently, the Saracens, those warrior followers of Mohammed who flocked to him. These locusts received the express command that "they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads." The successor of Mohammed, Abubeker, gave the Saracens a command that they should "destroy no palm-trees, nor burn any fields of grain; cut down no fruit-trees, nor do any mischief to cattle, only such as you kill to eat." These locusts were commanded not to do what natural locusts always do—eat green grass and trees— and were commissioned to do what locusts never do—"hurt men," but only those who have not the seal of God in their foreheads; that is, the worshipers of a false, idolatrous church, who are not known unto God as his true people. This is positive proof that the design of this vision is to set forth some awful religious imposture; for the "men" that they were to hurt are found in the department which by analogy represents religious events. These Arabs has hair like women, faces like men, teeth like lions, etc. 

The next point in the vision to claim our attention is the particular description of these locusts. Some of the points mentioned might find a literal fulfillment in the personal appearance of the Saracens—such as the crowns signifying the turbans they wore, etc., but we must adhere strictly to the symbolic mode of interpretation and look for their fulfillment in Saracen character. Their being like war-horses denotes their warlike disposition. The crowns on their heads signify their great success and triumphs. Their faces of men and hair like women doubtless signify their boldness on the one hand and their effeminate appearance on the other. Their teeth as the teeth of lions show their ferocity of character. Their breastplates of iron indicate their invincibility or else their insensibility to injuries inflicted upon them. The sound of their wings like horses and chariots running to battle denotes the multitude and rapidity of their conquests. Their tails like scorpions, containing stings with which to "hurt men"— operating in the religious world—symbolize their position as propagators of a false faith. Thus they are set forth in their two-fold character—as invincible warriors and as the zealous professors of a delusion, whose sting was like that of a scorpion when he strikes a man. 

"And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon." The following fact of history will explain this: "The Saracens had their Caliphs, the successors of Mohammed, who united in themselves the supreme civil, military and ecclesiastical powers. They were the high-priests of their religion, the commanders of their armies, and the emperors of the nation." This king over them signifies a succession of rulers, and they are well described as "the angel of the bottomless pit," for that is the very place where the delusion is said to have originated. Mahomet, as a fallen star, opened the pit and let out the smoke, and his successors, who grasped his power and authority, are fitly characterized as angels from the same place, bearing the name Abaddon or Apollyon, which terms both signify Destroyer. 

Revelation 9:12. One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter. 

This announcement, that one woe is past, meaning that the period of one hundred and fifty years during which the Saracens were to continue their conquests has ended, serves an important purpose in enabling us to fix the chronology of the events described. It proves that they succeed each other.

Professional & Technical
August 19
Never Ending Truth Ministries
Clifford Rhymes

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