Sand-Buried Ruins of Khotan
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Lời Giới Thiệu Của Nhà Xuất Bản
This classic is organized as follows:
I. Calcutta to Kashmir
II. To Astor and Gilgit
III. Through Hunza
IV. On the Taghdumbash Pamir
V. In Sarikol
VI. On Muztagh-Ata
VII. Through the Gez Defile to Kashgar
VIII. Stay at Kashgar
IX. Khanui and Ordam-Padshah
X. Yarkand and Karghalik
XI. On the Road to Khotan
XII. Arrival in Khotan
XIII. To the Headwaters of the Yurung-Kash
XIV. Over the Kara-Kash Ranges
XV. Antiquarian Preparations at Khotan
XVI. Yotkan, the Site of the Ancient Capital
XVII. To the Ruins of Dandan-Uiliq
XVIII. Excavation of Buddhist Shrines
XIX. First Finds of Ancient Manuscripts
XX. Discovery of Dated Documents
XXI. Through the Desert to Keriya
XXII. To Niya and Imam Jafar Sadik
XXIII. First Excavation of Kharoshthi Tablets
XXIV. Excavation of Ancient Residences
XXV. Discoveries in an Antique Rubbish Heap
XXVI. Decipherment of Ancient Documents on Wood and Leather
XXVII. The Ruins of Endere
XXVIII. Expedition to Karadong Ruin
XXIX. The Search for Hiuen-Tsiang’s Pi-Mo
XXX. Ak-Sipil and the Sculptures of the Rawak Stupa
XXXI. Islam Akhun and His Forgeries
XXXII. Last Days in Khotan Oasis
XXXIII. From Khotan to London