Saturday, Sunday and the Sabbath
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Publisher Description
At various times and in various countries of the world, including Britain, the law concerning what is permitted on a Sunday and what is not has been somewhat chaotic.
At times governments have sought to change it but this has brought an outcry from various sections of Christendom. "It's the day of rest!" yell some. "There is to be no buying or selling!" shout others.
According to a third section the majority have it wrong for the Sabbath should be the seventh day, Saturday. "Not so!" state the majority. It was changed from the seventh day of the week to the first.
In this comprehensive publication every reference to the Sabbath is considered, but not in a haphazard fashion. Recognising that revelation is progressive, the author follows the teaching on the Sabbath as it unfolds on the pages of the Bible, starting in the Pentateuch and working his way through the Bible chronologically.
The conclusions he reaches will be of interest and help to all who wish to serve Christ according to the Scriptures.