Scattered Blossoms Scattered Blossoms

Scattered Blossoms

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Publisher Description

An aging B-29 pilot returns to his childhood home in Japan to learn the fate of his adoptive family and the girl he loved, people he ironically may have bombed. He meets an enigmatic host who seems to know more about him than he could imagine.

Author Bio:
John I. Wood is a retired career Army officer who served four years in Asia. He commanded at company, battalion, and brigade level. A graduate of the U. S. Army War College, he also served on the school's faculty before retirement. He and his wife Randi served together as missionaries in The Anglican Diocese of Egypt. They live in North Carolina. John is working on a second novel.

"This dramatic story brings to life the closing days of World War II. John Wood captures the courage, faith, and honor of average citizens - American and Japanese - amidst the chaos and brutality of war."
- Garland Tucker, Author, The High Tide of American Conservatism

"John Wood has created a wonderful story which incorporates real history with romantic fiction in such a way to grab the reader immediately. It's a truly beautiful story of World War II, incorporating ethic, racial, and religious themes, while drawing the reader to the main premise of humanity, we are all the same and made in the image of God. John is blessed with a natural storytelling style in which his words roll over the pages carrying the reader to natural curiosity and wonder. It's a magnificent book and I highly encourage the reader to take to heart the underlying promise that love perseveres over everything else. As Paul wrote in First Corinthians, 'So now faith, hope and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.'"
- Colonel Gary I. Gresh, US Army Retired, Author, Vietnam Soldier

"Captivating, heart-rending, riveting, spiritual are but a few words to describe this outstanding book - Scattered Blossoms ! Through poignant creativity, John Wood built a transformative bridge between fiction and reality. As a boy during WWII, a combat veteran of Vietnam, and a 'born again' Christian, I deeply appreciate this wonderful gift."
- Colonel Richard Toliver, USAF Retired, Author, Uncaged Eagle

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