Sea Moon Poem Shapes Sea Moon Poem Shapes

Sea Moon Poem Shapes

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Publisher Description

The feeling of mounting anticipation as one steps onto to the stage to dance is indescribable. All mundane concepts and concerns are left behind for a brief, timeless spell to simply express and share all the joy and wonder availed to us beyond the veil of the material world.

It had never occurred to me that the written word could also have a similar effect.

Aside from several love poems and channeled writings, I had not, until fairly recently, been aware of the fact that the medium of writing may also be a springboard for sharingwhere ones thoughts, dreams, aspirations, and soul intentions can find a foothold in reality, not until I inadvertently stumbled upon a veritable community of poets on social media. To know that I could allow my thoughts to take shape in forms not traditionally acceptable was gratifying, to say the least. With the writing of each of these poem shapes in Sea Moon, I felt as though I had stepped, like the dancer at heart that I am, and perhaps we all are, into a welcoming forum of word wielders.

Its not without the support of other poets, therefore, that Im propelled here to embrace my direction, one whose ultimate goal is to touch people on as wide a scale as possible by simply conveying ideas that might strike melodious chords.

I speak my truth here in the knowledge that many of the like-minded will welcome my organically honed word shapes (call it poetry or not) and resonate with them.

I believe in the transformative power of all forms of art. If writing be an art form, then let us step lightly into this sanctioned art space, as both writer and reader (as performer and audience) and, respecting fully its ever-changing boundaries, allow the symbolismthe beauty of words, as M. Marceau put itto penetrate our receptive orbs and have their essence filter through and transform our whole beings.

It is with a deep-seated desire to touch and to share that I offer you my words, as structured here, in the hope that even a single resonate note will be struck, perhaps to reverberate.

Beyond hope, I trust, and know, that we are ready for fresh waves of color to wash over usto cleanse, nourish, and transform us so that we might all actually be the dancers at heart that we truly are. Enjoy!

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