Second-Generation Fiscal Rules
Balancing Simplicity, Flexibility, and Enforceability
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Fiscal rule frameworks have evolved significantly in response to the global financial crisis. Many countries have reformed their fiscal rules or introduced new ones with a view to enhancing the credibility of fiscal policy and providing a medium-term anchor. Enforcement and monitoring mechanisms have also been upgraded. However, these innovations have made the systems of rules more complicated to operate, while compliance has not improved. The SDN takes stock of past experiences, reviews recent reforms, and presents new research on the effectiveness of rules. It also proposes guiding principles for future reforms to strike a better balance between simplicity, flexibility, and enforceability. Read the blog
Reforming Fiscal Governance in the European Union :
Rethinking Fiscal Policy after the Crisis
Fiscal Rules and Economic Size in Latin America and the Caribbean
Promoting Fiscal Discipline
Rules-Based Fiscal Policy in France, Germany, Italy and Spain
Fiscal Policy in Latin America:Lessons and Legacies of the Global Financial Crisis