Solitaire's War
Publisher Description
A deep cover agent emerged from Vietnam at the end of the war, but for him the war never ended. Out of Vietnam he brought a fervent sense of duty and debt, but the reasons are suppressed in his subconscious, because he can no longer bear to recall them. In order to pay a debt to his lost comrades, a debt he can no longer even visualize, he continues to serve his country, a country that he allowed to take away his identity so thoroughly that even he does not remember who he was or how he got to where he is. He exists,lives, and works alone, under different names in different places, completely outside the rules and laws of the country and society he protects. His identity gone and his life an endless cycle of missions, he is forever walking on the edge of an unmarked grave, waiting for the day he won't be fast enough, smart enough, good enough, or lucky enough—waiting for the day his debt is finally paid.