Standing On Gods Promises
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Publisher Description
We often take God’s promise “I will answer you” to mean that God will say “yes” to our request. However, as we pointed out and have always acknowledged, His answer may not always be what we ask. Clearly, God’s answer through Jeremiah to the Israelites was not what they wanted to hear! Job was frustrated by the fact that despite his clean conscience towards God, God was not answering him in his travails. If only God had said something like “Be patient, Job”, he would have felt much better. But God said nothing. At the height of his suffering, his wife suggested to him to “curse God and die” – see Job 2:9. His friends put pressure on him to admit that he was not as righteous as he believed. When God eventually answered him, it was in a barrage of questions of rebuke – rebuking Job for demanding an explanation for his suffering. All four chapters from Job 38 to 41 are loaded with God’s questions for Job. The sum total of God’s questions was this: “Even when you don’t hear from me in your difficulty, you must keep trusting that I Am good.”
Raphael Awoseyin