Start Here for Hydroponics
Publisher Description
Start Here for Hydroponics is intended to aid anyone with a recent passing or serious interest in hydroponic growing or anyone who is more experienced but seeking different perspectives. The author presumed no prior knowledge but does not stop with simplistic information deigned only to pique your interest. It is, in fact, a rather broad and deep discussion that will provide you with both enough information to choose and develop a growing operation and to understand how to operate it and deal with problems.
The book is essentially in two parts. The first stops short of the more technical knowledge that is always good to have but that is not required to build and run a productive system. In the second part - Down the Rabbit Hole - it delves in more detail in many of the same subjects. This is not a be-all end-all of hydroponics. It is a beginning, although a fairly robust beginning. Nor is it a D.I.Y. book on building hydroponic systems, although onw system is examined in detail as an example. Construction is a well-covered territory on the Internet, and providing practical construction details on all of the basic forms of hydroponic systems would stretch this into a book of daunting length.
It's a beginning but a very practical beginning that will get you up and growing with some confidence.