Systematic Theology [1878] Systematic Theology [1878]

Systematic Theology [1878‪]‬

    • 2.4 • 13 Ratings
    • $4.99
    • $4.99

Publisher Description

Charles Finney (1792-1875) was an American Presbyterian preacher known for his revival services and extemporaneous preaching. Systematic Theology is a collection of the lectures Finney gave at Oberlin College. They were later published in this volume for distribution to the British public. Finney is known as a heretic in many Christian circles, and Systematic Theology receives no lack of criticism. His theology of self-sanctification worries many staunch Calvinists, and Systematic Theology perpetuates the Calvinist/Armenian debate. The lectures are well thought out and address diverse subjects--moral law, love, government, depravity, atonement, justification, sanctification, election, perseverance of the saints, and many others. Finney is revered by many and scorned by others, but his Systematic Theology is a masterpiece of religious text and should be treasured. Important for both debate and development of faith, this collection is unique and spirited. -Abby Zwart, CCEL Staff Writer

Religion & Spirituality
October 7
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Lulu Enterprises, Inc.

Customer Reviews

halchaffee ,

Hard to read but worth it

I found this treatise difficult to read. I put it down several times because I struggled to understand it. I had to look up a lot of words and reread a lot of paragraphs. However, as I went on I realized that Finney repeats himself a lot. So I found myself just reading through things I didn’t understand and that he would ultimately address the same issue in a different way later on. I probably will read through a lot of it again.

I’m really glad I finished the whole thing. I learned a lot. You can tell that Finney put A LOT of thought into what he was writing. I found myself agreeing with him on almost all that he taught. I was a bit dissatisfied with the last few chapters on the perseverance of the saints, but the rest a fully enjoyed.

Like I said, it’s a difficult read, but it is rewarding. I’m glad I trudged through it.

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