The 1950's: A Time To Grow
Memoirs, Memoirs - Book 1
Publisher Description
The 1950's ushered in a tremendous time of change as Australia emerged from the post World War 2 years and began rebuilding for the future. As the decade rolled on, outer western Sydney gradually changed from its rural setting and steadily became urbanised. Some very early recollections of my childhood and then a description of my home town Smithfield sets the mood for the rich variety of events that unfold; as I grew from early childhood into my teenage years.
'The 1950's - A Time To Grow' is based on recollections of incidents in my life; growing up in Smithfield, in what was then a rural area in outer western Sydney, Australia. The Smithfield of today is vastly different to the Smithfield of the 1950's.
All the events depicted in these memoirs certainly added spice and variety to my childhood; such things as: as playing in the bush, our pets, the bad condition of roads in the area and growing our own vegetables. Other activities included going to Sunday School on a bus, picking blackberries and mushrooms, swimming in a local dam and building a fort in the bush. Then there were scouting days as a Boy Scout, driving my friend’s micro midget speedcar and being present at a cave in. Come along with me and enjoy the journey.