The Affairs of Sherlock Holmes • by Sax Rohmer
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Publisher Description
eBOOK - Many modern authors have attempted to recapture the mood of gaslit London and the mystique of Conan Doyle’s adventures of Sherlock Holmes by writing "new" Holmes stories; yet these attempts frequently fail to capture the original flavor of the Conan Doyle tales because modern writers simply don’t think or speak like Victorians.
Conan Doyle's contemporaries wrote characters of their own invention; nevertheless they sound more like Conan Doyle than do any of his deliberate modern imitators.
Unlike Sir Arthur’s modern imitators, Sax Rohmer wrote his stories at the time Conan Doyle was at the peak of his popularity; and there is a ring of authenticity in Rohmer’s narratives that modern imitators are lacking. Originally, Rohmer’s stories used different character names — because at that time Sherlock Holmes was copyrighted. Now in 2014, Conan Doyle and Rohmer are both public domain. The editor of this volume has carefully edited some of Rohmer’s best mystery tales into Sherlock Holmes pastiches.