The Beginning Professional Storyteller
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Publisher Description
So. You’re a writer.
Do you know the bones of what makes a good story? It’s not the same thing as being a writer, not at all.
How do you learn to tell a good story? There’s trial and error, sure.
But there are also books like this, to help you along, making it easier to learn, to remember.
Some of the topic discussed include:
The Seven Point Plot Structure
Genre as a thing
Story length as a professional requirement
Breakfast dragons
The Business for Breakfast series contains bite-sized business advice. This is a 101 level book, with beginning advice for the professional.
Be sure to read all the books in this series!
Writing Brighter: Helping Young Writers Become Great Writers
Sixteen Weeks to Fade Out
Story Structure for the Win: How to Write Faster, How to Write Better—Whether You’re a Plotter or a Pantser
Think Like A Pro
The Intermediate Professional Storyteller
Screenwriting Tips, You Hack