The Boy in the Snow
An Edie Kiglatuk Mystery
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In the second book of the Edie Kiglatuk Mystery Series, Edie’s discovery along Alaska’s Iditarod trail leads to a massive, far-reaching conspiracy
M. J. McGrath’s debut novel, White Heat, earned both fans and favorable comparisons to bestselling Scandinavian thrillers such as Smilla’s Sense of Snow and the Kurt Wallander series.
In M. J. McGrath’s compelling follow-up to White Heat, Edie Kiglatuk, the half-Inuit and half-outsider heroine, prepares to help her ex-husband, Sammy, in his bid to win Alaska’s world-famous Iditarod. But the race turns grim when she stumbles upon body of an infant—its tiny corpse covered in mysterious ceremonial markings—on land belonging to the Old Believers, an exiled Russian Orthodox sect.
Meanwhile, it’s election time and the lead candidate for governor of Alaska, Anchorage mayor Chuck Hillingberg, desperately wants to keep Edie’s discovery out of the press. As Sammy mushes his team across frozen wilderness, Edie begins an investigation that leads into a murky world of corrupt politics, religious intolerance, greed, and sex trafficking. But just as she begins to get some answers, Edie finds herself threatened by a painful secret from her past.
The two-week 1,150-mile Iditarod dog sled race from near Wasilla to Nome, Alaska, forms the backdrop for McGrath's outstanding second mystery featuring half-Caucasian, half-Inuit Edie Kiglatuk (after 2011's White Heat). A native of Ellesmere Island, Edie comes to Alaska to help her ex-husband, Sammy Inukpuk, who's trying to regain his self-respect by racing. In the forest outside Wasilla, Edie encounters a mysterious bear that leads her to the frozen body of a baby boy lying in the saddle of a snowmobile. Edie, a homesick, guilt-ridden "outsider in her own world," seeks to untangle the disturbing truth behind the infant's death, aided by her policeman friend, Derek Palliser, who's also assisting Sammy in the race. McGrath has a firm grasp on a little known culture, its values and language, and excels at bringing to life such characters as conniving Anchorage mayor Chuck Hillingberg and his power-hungry wife, Marsha. This affecting novel should melt even the most frozen human hearts.
Отзывы покупателей
Unlikely heroine
Another great Edie mystery story. What an unlikely and unusual heroine! Can't wait for the next one. Looking through the eyes of an Inuit woman hunter is a very strange and wondrous perspective. A very captivating read.