The Boy Whose Idea Could Feed the World
5.0 • 1 Rating
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Publisher Description
Middle-Grade–Second through Seventh grade, plus as one educator noted, “A book within a book.” For middle graders a fun crazy motivating read. For parents and teachers, a golden opportunity to garner more information on how to motivate a child, bullying and what can happen when not addressed, family chores, sadness and loss, and a child’s constant changing self-image and self-worth. (See Also: Parent/Teacher Guide for The Boy Whose Idea Could Feed the World).
Blowing off school work, being harassed by a bully and barely surviving a biking accident, 12-year-old Alex, while recuperating at home and working on a homework assignment, learns that bugs are eaten in many parts of the world and becomes interested in nutritious edible bugs. At the same time Alex discovers for himself the secrets of motivation.
While visiting a cricket farm where ten million crickets are being raised and seeing a plastic tub of super-worms just waiting to morph into edible beetles, leads Alex and his older brother Aiden to raising earthworms in their bedroom, cooking up bug recipes with family and friends, and along with his entire class, designing a science project unlike any the school or the town has seen. The press picks up on the story, a clip goes viral, and Alex is signing a contract for his high protein bug bars. With sales skyrocketing, he and his brother are off to Kenya for the opening ceremonies of a food factory designed to produce environmentally friendly, inexpensive and tasty food products to cure hunger and feed every human on this planet.
Written to entertain and encourage outside the box thinking and a never- give-up attitude, this book not only inspires but imparts a sense of “one for all, and all for one” among family members, students and staff.
An added bonus: Specific instructions for making a bottle garden, raising earthworms for fun and profit, a repeatable science project for an entire class, fun information on bugs and their talents, and a quick lesson on how to grunt worms.

Customer Reviews
The Boy Whose Idea Could Feed the World
The Boy Whose Idea Could Feed the World will grab the attention of any upper grade or middle school student. Whether interested in science projects, bugs, getting along with others, or motivation, readers are caught up in the story from the first page to the last. Teachers, parents, and counselors will find the book useful to stimulate conversation about difficult topics like bullying, doing well in school, and family illness. Students will love the practical approach to friendship and family. Would make for a great classroom book group discussion!
Dr. Catherine Von Hatten, Educational Consultant, Retired Public School Assistant Superintendent, Teacher, Principal