The Captioned Image
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Publisher Description
“The Captioned Image” is a children's book for adults. A book which invites the mind, spirit, and heart to play seriously — serious play, a definition of culture.
At once experimental and familiar, light in touch, yet punctuated with a subtext of dark realms; this unique book is a portal to dream — bursts of dream-drenched captions lure the reader into remarkable associations for each image.
In formal language: These pages offer a speculative, transformative space, rather than a conceptual, illustrative convention. Each page is a visionary and poetical gateway.
Less formally: Think poetry, not prose.
A flyby over the images in “The Captioned Image”:
The reader is faced at the first by a large catlike presence, wise in its permanent alpha space; then an image of the membrane-world tearing; of morose jesters; “sweetjoyland” yields to the abandoned Zen garden; there is a landscape of threat as a little creature is chased under a pink cloud; an appearance of a sculpture park for the rough trade glides into the slippery fun of levitation and a stunning image of betrayal in a clone factory. With wit and sophistication, each mind-space gives pause, as they surprise and drive the viewer inward.
A true discovery. A beautiful book. A keeper.