The Comforter : The Divine Feminine Essence
Publisher Description
Are you looking for love, advice & support in your life? If so, you need the Divine feminine essence, the Comforter! She can help you overcome mental health problems, grief, loss, separation & much more. With the Comforter's help & some personal effort you can create a happy, healthy & fulfilling lifestyle for yourself! Inspiring messages of love. A Beacon of Light Book. Search: The Abbotts Books.
Psychic Powers - Telepathy, Astral Travel & Manifesting
Forgiveness - How to Forgive and Be Forgiven!
I Am a Pleiadian! - Starseeds on Earth!
Aliens, UFO’s and Stargates
The Starseeds - Pleiadians on Earth - Understanding Your Off Planet Origins
Astral Travel - How To Have Out of Body Experiences