The Compleat New Age Health Guide Volume One The Compleat New Age Health Guide Volume One

The Compleat New Age Health Guide Volume One

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Publisher Description

Forty years in the making, this book explores the causes of numerous health conditions and offers remedies for their treatment; in many cases giving information that is outside of conventional medical understanding. This book presents an integrated whole-person approach to health and wellness that emphasizes the mind-body connection, focussing on the body's own natural ability to heal itself. 

This includes:

how to prevent most diseases (including tumors and cancers) 
the simple keys to a good diet and lifestyle
the interconnectedness of the body’s systems
how your ancestry influences your metabolism
the vital role of chiropractic and osteopathic medicines
the importance of proper elimination
how thought, emotion, and attitude influence physical health
tips for keeping the body flexible, supple, and pain-free
tips for reducing inflammation
the role of parasites and micro-organisms in major diseases
resonance, frequencies, and vibrational healing
the role of the endocrine system
the importance of pH balance in the body
keys to anti-aging
food additives, toxicity and “leaky gut syndrome”
dietary deficiencies in Western society
using alternative and complementary therapies for your greatest benefit
the risk of electrical devices and other 20th Century conveniences
plus special sections on women’s health issues and men’s sexual health issues

The Compleat New Age Health Guide (Volume One) answers questions to medical conditions ranging from the obscure (such as Dupuytren's Contracture, or "claw hand") to the mundane (such as headaches and migraines), covering more than 149 specific maladies and treatments including:

Parkinson’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease
bipolar disorder
attention deficit disorder
cerebral palsy
multiple sclerosis
chronic fatigue syndrome
irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease
Down’s syndrome
leaky gut syndrome
post traumatic stress disorder
plus a range of skin disorders including cysts, pimples, moles, psoriasis, rashes, etc.

The alphabetical guide also reviews a number of popular and controversial new-age remedies and supplements, and how they may be used for the highest benefit. This includes: oil of oregano, apple cider vinegar, melatonin, black seed oil, tea tree oil, glucosamine, chondroitin, saw palmetto, iodine, colloidal silver, ginseng, wheatgrass juice, castor oil, olive oil, microhydrin, coriander, lauricidin, monolaurin, moringa oleifera, curcumin, probiotics, DHEA, DMSO, lutein, MMS, epsom salts, flaxseed oil, garlic, slippery elm, gelatine, PanaSeeda, germanium, MSM, serraflazyme, graviola leaf, silica and therapies such as colonic hydrotherapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, tapping, magnetic therapy and vitamin therapy.

Some information is quite revolutionary, and will amaze some readers; even those who think they know a thing or two about health.

"As a Naturopathic physician with a special interest in the mind- body connection, I have put Douglas's abilities to the test and was amazed at the accuracy of the results. The power of his intuitive mind, and the compassion of the man are without question. May this book be a guide to all who seek a healthier body, mind and spirit." (Dr Robert L Gatis, BSc, ND, MCHt, FAARFM) 

"I have studied healing for well over fifteen years and the contents within the Compleat New Age Health Guide contain health secrets that will change your life and revolutionize how we view health and healthcare. Drawing on his unique ability to access ancient wisdom and information far beyond what we know Dr. Douglas has complied a list of remedies and cures from almost every ailment. A must have in your library." (Dr, Kris Belfry, BSc, DC RNHP)

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