The Complete Ranger Digest VI-IX
Volumes VI-IX
- $6.99
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Publisher Description
The original "no b*llsh*t" soldier's handbooks, loaded with tips, tricks and ideas on how to live, thrive and stay comfortable in a military outdoor environment through field expedient know-how. From how to take a dump in the woods, improvise/modify or improve military and civilian outdoor gear, combat survival techniques, reducing field boredom, leadership tips, jokes and much more.
This is the second of two new collections that compile all the original 9 volumes into a new 'Complete and Revised Edition'.
NOT your typical boring military field manual, this second half of the collection contains info that will keep you one step ahead of your average soldier. Rangers lead the way! This newly revised edition of the remaining four original volumes adds updated equipment info, new supplier info (and web links) and way more.
"As a former US Army Ranger, Drill Instructor and Advisor/Trainer to the Bosnia & Herzegovina Army (1996-97) under the US State Department "Train & Equip Program". I have always enjoyed sharing with soldiers my personal experiences, tips, tricks and ideas in how to survive & thrive in the outdoors. And although I've been retired from the United States Army since January 1993, I am still doing what I like best - teaching & training soldiers. But not in a class room but through a series of books called THE RANGER DIGESTS.
Now before I decided to self-publish these books I use to forward all my tips, tricks and ideas to the Department of the Army. But the only thing I ever received back were letters saying, "...sorry, not feasible for military outdoor field conditions." Well since the Army wasn't interested in my ideas, I then decided to write a book about my tips & tricks and try to market them to the troops myself. After all, when it comes to "common sense" and "field craft ingenuity" the troops know more about this stuff than some "chair-borne" colonel or general sitting behind his nice cozy desk at the Pentagon."
Richard F. Tscherne (nicknamed "Ranger Rick") served in the United States Army, and is a graduate of the U.S. Army Ranger School, the French Army commando School, and the Belgium Army Commando School.
His awards include the U.S. Army Ranger Tab, Master Parachutist Wings, Drill Instructor Badge, Expert Rifleman Badge, Jungle Expert Patch, 5 AAM, 1 ARCOM, 3 MSM, 4 Overseas Ribbons and an assortment of other U.S. military medals.