The Cottager's Sabbath, a poem ... With ... vignettes ... by H. Warren.
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Publisher Description
The POETRY & DRAMA collection includes books from the British Library digitised by Microsoft. The books reflect the complex and changing role of literature in society, ranging from Bardic poetry to Victorian verse. Containing many classic works from important dramatists and poets, this collection has something for every lover of the stage and verse.
The Casquet of Literature: being a selection in poetry and prose from the works of the most admired authors. Edited, with biographical and literary notes, by C. G., etc. VOL.I
Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway Song: with historical and traditional notices relative to the manners and customs of the peasantry. Now first published by R. H. Cromek.
The Girl's Own Poetry Book. Edited by E. Davenport.
Ballads of Books. Edited by Andrew Lang. L.P.
A Miscellany of Poetry, in two parts.
Tranquillity, a poem. To which are added other original poems, and translations from the Italian.