The Digital Puritan - Vol.III, No.3
Vol.III, No.3
- $5.99
- $5.99
Publisher Description
"The Digital Puritan" is a quarterly digest of carefully selected Puritan works which are gently edited to render the text more readable, while still retaining much of the flavour and character of the originals. Helpful notes and Scripture references (in the English Standard Version) are included as end-notes; no internet connection is needed.
This issue includes:
1. An Exhortation to Peace and Unity - John Bunyan. In which Bunyan teaches us to leave aside petty divisiveness.
2. Directions to Fearful, Troubled Christians - Richard Baxter. Ten instructions for the one who is plagued by doubts.
3. The Monster of Sinful Self-Seeking Anatomized - Edmund Calamy. Calamy dissects the ghastly monster known as self-seeking.
4. Thankfulness Required in Every Condition - William Bridge. How to find light in the darkest dungeon.
5. The Sin and Folly of Depending on Future Time - Jonathan Edwards. Edwards shows how we often put off things of eternal importance.
6. "The Reflection" by Edward Taylor.