The Dragon Order: Book Seven of the Restoration Series
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Book Seven of the Restoration Series is the finale.
Zalustus leads a host of goblins to siege Telur, while Flare returns to Solistine to convince the elves that they must help defend the human city.
Betrayal and intrigue lead up to the clash that will decide who restores the Dragon Order.
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Thank you
Wonderful series! I spent many hours enjoying your art. Made me wish the adventure continued.
Wouldnt read it again
This series started really good but slowly started getting boring. All I wanted to read about was Flare but slowly they started adding less interesting stories of other characters. Honestly some as soon as I saw their storyline coming up I just skipped all those pages entirely. The end was disappointing I thought I’d see more I thought the order would be restored and Flare would return home and maybe become king of the elves and live thousands of years. Overall it was ok but i wont be reading this series again
Seems rushed
The first couple of books in the series were pretty good. By the last book, it seemed like the author just wanted to get this book out the door. If I hadn’t been invested to some degree in the story, I never would have finished it.