The Dude's Guide to Manhood
Finding True Manliness in a World of Counterfeits
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Publisher Description
Discover the path to true masculinity—to an adventurous life of strength, purpose, and clarity.
Didn’t we used to understand manhood? Wasn’t there a time once when it was clear and straightforward? Are we lost?
Dudes, look around you: The trail we once traveled from boyhood to maturity is now so overgrown, it’s almost impossible to trace. Our vision is blurred, rendering the map that previous generations followed unreadable. Our compass needles are spinning in circles, making navigation impossible. We are stuck in dense, dangerous woods, and our communities—the wives, children, friends, and colleagues we could be influencing—are suffering as a result.
It can be tempting to give up and, like so many men today, simply exist, but take heart: Now is not the time for men to abandon our quest. We can discover the path to true masculinity—to an adventurous life of strength, purpose, and clarity.
In The Dude’s Guide to Manhood, pastor, author and dude Darrin Patrick charts a course back toward real manliness, mapping out a vision to help men find significance and influence in today’s broken, mixed-message culture. Revealing his own frailties and missteps, Patrick doesn’t preach at you but walks with you on a journey toward healing and wholeness.
Filled with timeless wisdom, accessible insights and practical guidance, The Dude’s Guide to Manhood issues an encouraging and doable call to all men, whatever your age or stage. We need not settle for wandering aimlessly through our days, wounded, weak, and passive. Instead, we can get back on the trail, embrace our gifts while facing our imperfections, and trust the God of new beginnings to lead us into all that we are destined to become: forgiven, connected, determined, teachable, content, heroic, and so much more.
Darrin Patrick (Dude's Guide to Manhood), founding pastor of the Journey church in St. Louis, Mo., and vice president of the Acts 29 Network, and Amie, his wife, carry on a dialogue in this light and breezy book about having an open, giving marriage. "Whether you married yourself or your opposite," they write, "there are opportunities and challenges to fight for a good marriage in the realm of disagreement and conflict." The book addresses dealing with marital turmoil, but it's more about getting along than about fighting. With four children and a busy lifestyle, there are many times when these two do not see eye-to-eye; for example, when Darrin arranges for free orthodontic work for one of the kids and Amie won't drive 45 minutes to get the treatment, they pay a $5000 bill instead. Families have conflicts, and there is a lot of dirty laundry in here, but seeing the inner workings of normal family strife is a needed reminder of the universality of our everyday hang-ups. Despite Darrin's work as a minister, his inspirational personality often fails to translate to the written word. This book will appeal to young evangelical couples who want a little lift in their marriage and a few laughs along the way.
Customer Reviews
Great Book on True Characteristics of Manhood
This is a fantastic book. It clearly charts true characteristics of authentic manhood in a way that is not purely footballs, flannel and beards. It’s written to show how you can be a man whether you’re a city boy or a mountain man. Dan writes in an engaging way that reads well, and he finishes with the most important message of all for all men: the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I recommend this book to all men.
Life Changing
Just finished this book. It was in fact the first one I've ever completed! Very informative, practical and also freeing. Definitely a must read for any many striving to be better!
Great advice
This book contains wonderful advice for the believer and non-believer alike.